I'm passionate about more than just capturing beautiful images; I'm driven by a purpose—to advocate for and empower individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities through the captivating lens of photography.
I was born with something called “Hypodysplasia Kidneys” - which means small, non-functioning kidneys. Because of this, I had developed Chronic Renal Failure and have needed three kidney transplants throughout my life. My journey into creating a photography business began with a desire deep within myself aiming towards showcasing other people like me who just want to live and be seen in the world. I want to shine a spotlight on the incredible strength, resilience, and beauty of those often underrepresented in mainstream narratives.
I firmly believe that every person, regardless of their health challenges, possesses a unique story worth telling, a story that deserves to be celebrated. Through my lens, I seek to dismantle stereotypes and showcase the authenticity and strength found with each individual. My goal with my work is to create images that speak volumes and amplify the voices of those often overlooked.
I approach each photoshoot with empathy, patience, and a genuine deep understanding of the unique needs and perspectives of individuals with chronic illnesses or disabilities. My business is open to everyone from all walks of life, even if you are someone who doesn’t live with a disability or chronic illness, my camera is always ready.
Thank you for reading and I am excited to learn your story!